Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Average Security Deposit Refund

Have you ever wondered how much of the security deposit your competition is refunding, or what the average refund amount is in your state… wonder no more!

We have compiled a simple list of all 50 states and the average amount of the security deposit refund as it relates to the entire deposit.

You can download the entire Security Deposit Refund PDF (http://www.propertymanagementexecutive.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/RefundPercent1.pdf), but some of the notables are below.

Topping the list of most refunded is South Dakota at 97.5% and WV, VT, ME, and VA all refunding over 90% of the initial deposit.

Trailing at the end of the list for least refunded is Hawaii at 64% and MD, OR, WA, and CT all refunding less than 70% on average.

Article posted by Thomas Fanelli, Propertyware News, Industry Statistics

1 comment:

  1. I'm curious where this information came from. Is it public data? I'm tryingto make something like this for New York State.
